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Cooperation with Peru

Cooperation with Peru - Universities Australia[if lte IE 7]> <link href="/UserUploadedStyles/ua.ie7.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <![endif]


An Agreement signed during the Universities Australia delegation to Latin America led by Professor Linda Kristjanson between Universities Australia and PRONABEC (National Program of Scholarships and Education Loans) enables Australian universities ranked in the top 400 in the world to be eligible for the Peruvian international postgraduate scholarships program ‘President of the Republic Scholarships’. The Agreement means 22 Australian universities can now participate in the current round of the program and receive Peruvian scholarship recipients. Universities Australia will continue to advocate for extension of the program beyond the top 400 but is pleased to be able to extend this opportunity to those universities who currently meet the requirements for participation.

The UA - PRONABEC Agreement enables universities to participate, but PRONABEC is seeking individual agreements with the 22 listed universities. These individual agreements are necessary for administrative simplicity (to be able to receive payments from the Peruvian Government) as well as to determine which master programs will be eligible for the scholarships and to negotiate individual benefits and processes. At this point, only universities that have already signed an individual agreement with PRONABEC, or that have previously hosted a Peruvian scholar, are listed on PRONABEC’s website as eligible for this round. However students with offer letters from any of the 22 universities included in the agreement will be considered, as long as the university signs an individual agreement with PRONABEC before the student travels to Australia.

During the delegation’s visit to Peru, Universities Australia also signed an Agreement with our sister organisation the Asamblea Nacional de Rectores (ANR). This agreement provides for broad cooperation between both organisations across a range of areas. Following the formal signing of the agreement a first meeting agreed an initial program of work which includes identifying existing relationships and scope for increased engagement between the membership, qualifications recognition (important given our aspirations for growth in scholarship recipients), staff exchange between the two agencies (potentially through the Endeavour Executive Awards Program), and Research Training Workshops (potentially through the Australian Research Management Society. We’ll also be exploring options to increase student mobility at the undergraduate level.


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