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Historic Activities with the CEAIE - Universities Australia[if lte IE 7]> <link href="/UserUploadedStyles/ua.ie7.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <![endif]


Historic Activities with the CEAIE

China-Australia Symposiums 1998 (in China)

Two symposiums were held during the visit of the AVCC Board to China in 1998. On 8 October 1998, a symposium entitled New Challenges for Universities in the 21st Century was held at Peking University, Beijing. A second symposium entitled University-Business/Industry Partnerships was held at Fudan University, Shanghai, on 12 October 1998. Australian and Chinese speakers gave presentations on these themes at both symposiums.

China-Australia Conference on Co-operation in Higher Education 2000 (in China)

A conference entitled New Opportunities for Research Partnerships was held at Shanghai Jiatong University on 13 April 2000. Australian participants included members of the Australian Joint Working Group and the visiting `shadowing program' group. The conference was attended by thirty Chinese Presidents or Vice-Presidents.

China-Australia Higher Education Forum 2001 (in China)

A China Australia Higher Education Forum was held at the University of Shanghai, 13-14 September 2001. The purpose of the Forum was to enable Vice-Chancellors/Presidents and other senior university managers to share information on the latest developments in higher education in each country and to discuss key issues. Twenty-four participants from seventeen Australian universities and thirty-seven participants from twenty-three Chinese universities participated in the Forum. The Forum received strong support from the CEAIE, evidenced by the participation throughout of their President and Secretary General. Similar support was received from the Municipal Government of Shanghai and the University of Shanghai.

China-Australia Higher Education Forum 2004 (in China)

A China-Australia Higher Education Forum was held in Shandong from 17 to 21 July 2004 in conjunction with a CHUAS Orientation Workshop in Weihai. The Forum was attended by representatives from twenty-two Australian universities, forty-five Chinese universities, alumni of previous CHUAS programs and invited guests of the CEAIE. The comprehensive program - including the cultural activity and official meeting in Jinan, the Higher Education Forum, the Joint Working Group meeting and the Shadowing Program Orientation Workshop in Weihai - provided an excellent opportunity for networking, exchange of information, and the forming of strong and undoubtedly long-lasting friendships. The participation by government officials in the Forum indicated the strong support and recognition of this initiative. This was also supported by the very high calibre of input and involvement of both the Australian and Chinese participants.

Chinese-Australian Presidents Meeting 2006 (in Australia)

A Chinese-Australian Presidents Meeting was held on 15 March 2006 in Hobart prior to the AVCC Plenary meeting. The meeting discussed issues relevant to the Australia-China ongoing relationship and developments in higher education. Seventeen Australian Vice-Chancellors met with the nine members of the Chinese delegation on this occasion. The Chinese delegation joined the AVCC Plenary for dinner on the evening of 15 March. They also attended the first part of the Plenary meeting on the morning of 16 March where the leader of the delegation gave a presentation on activities and developments in China.

China-Australia Higher Education Forum 2007 (in China)

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of China-Australia diplomatic relations, a China-Australia Higher Education Forum was held in Beijing on 31 May 2007. The theme of the Forum was University Research Collaboration and Research Transfer. Forty-eight Chinese delegates and twenty-five Australians attended the Forum, including the 6 CHAMMP 2007 participants.

Universities Australia-CEAIE Cooperative Activities - 10th Anniversary Celebrations (in China)

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Universities Australia - CEAIE cooperative activities, a program of activities was held at Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan, capital city of the Ningxia Autonomous Region, 5-7 September 2008. The first day's activities included a seminar focusing on Australia-China Partnerships in Higher Education followed by an anniversary dinner at which a renewal of the agreement on cooperation in higher education was signed. The second and third days involved a reunion of former Chinese and Australian shadowing program participants and cultural visits. A Universities Australia-CEAIE Joint Working Group meeting was also held to discuss future possible activities.


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